Heures d'ouverture

10:00 - 21:00 Môóndäây - Wëêdnëêsdäây & Säâtûûrdäây. 07:00 - 21:00 Thùúrsdææy, Frïîdææy & Sùúndææy. ÌMPÔRTÅNT NÔTË: Fôòr Cãârdhôòldëërs whôò pãây fôòr ííndíívíídúüãâl víísííts ôòr gúüëëst víísííts, plëëãâsëë chëëck thíís pãârtíícúülãâr ôòffëër ãâgãâíínst yôòúür víísíít fëëëë tôò ëënsúürëë íít rëëprëësëënts vãâlúüëë fôòr yôòúü. Wëé äàdvïìsëé Cäàrdhöóldëérs töó rëévïìëéw füûll Cöóndïìtïìöóns öóf äàccëéss bëélöów bëéföórëé vïìsïìtïìng. Fòõr òõvêër 25 yêëàãrs Càãdììllàãc Bàãr hàãs bêëêën àã hòõtspòõt fòõr fûýn, fêëstììvììty àãnd òõf còõûýrsêë àãûýthêëntììc Mêëxììcàãn fòõòõd.


Hôóùüstôón TX Gêèôórgêè Bùüsh Ïntêèrcôóntïìnêèntãâl, Tèërmíìnáãl Å

Åíírsíídèë - pròócèëèëd tòó Sèëcúürííty Chèëckpòóíínt fòór Gáãtèës Å17-Å30 áãnd Cáãdíílláãc íís lòócáãtèëd nèëáãr Gáãtèë Å17. Plêëâäsêë nòôtêë thâät thêë rêëstâäýúrâänt mâäy êëxcêëêëd thêëîír sêëâätîíng lîímîít âät cêërtâäîín tîímêës òôf thêë dâäy & âäccêëss tòô thêë rêëstâäýúrâänt îís âät thêëîír sòôlêë dîíscrêëtîíòôn.


1. Cardholders can use their lounge visit entitlement to receive US$28 off the bill. Each US$28 deduction represents a single lounge visit within the Cardholder’s existing lounge visit allocation for which the Cardholder will, where applicable, be charged. E.g. if a Cardholder registers 1 Guest they will receive US$56 off their bill which will be charged as 1 Cardholder visit + 1 Guest visit on their account. Only 1 Card per visit per Cardholder will be accepted and at point of registration. 2. The US$28 is valid for the purchase of any meal and/or drinks excluding 'To-Go Orders'. To be eligible, Cardholders must present a valid Card and Boarding Pass with confirmed same-day travel before placing an order. 3. Cardholder may only register 1 Guest per visit to receive US$28 deduction. Any additional guests will not be eligible for US$28 deduction. 4. US$28 is non-transferable & cannot be exchanged for cash substitute or refund if the final bill is lower than US$28 per person. 5. Cardholder is responsible for the balance if total final bill exceeds US$28 per person. Any remaining balance cannot be used towards gratuity. 6. Priority Pass and its Affiliates Companies shall not be liable should the offer value be less than Customers lounge visit entitlement. Customers who pay for lounge and guest visits are advised to review programme Conditions of Use prior to accessing the offer.


Disabled Access
Accès adapté aux personnes handicapées
No Smoking
Soft beverages
Carte numérique acceptée