24 hours daily. Please note the lounge will close permanently effective 01JUN21.
24 hours daily. Please note the lounge will close permanently effective 01JUN21.
Airside - after Immigration turn right and take the lift to the 1st Floor. Transit passengers arriving in Terminal 3, pass through the Transfer Desk and follow signs to Terminal 1 and proceed to the 1st Floor.
最多可逗留 4 小时 - 2 岁以下儿童可免费进入 - 所有儿童必须由成人陪同 - 免费酒精饮料仅限啤酒 - 任何时间均要求穿着整齐便服 - 设有独立的吸烟室。
电话须另外付费。 请注意,暂不提供标准自助餐服务,现提供预装盘餐食。